Testimonials vs Reviews: Key Differences

published on 18 June 2024

Testimonials and reviews are both forms of customer feedback, but they serve distinct purposes and have different characteristics:


  • Positive stories from happy customers
  • Used by businesses for marketing to build trust and attract new customers
  • Highlight good experiences with the service
  • Controlled and selected by the business


  • Honest feedback from customers who used the service
  • Can be positive, negative, or mixed
  • Help potential customers decide if the service is right for them
  • Not controlled by the business, posted on third-party sites
Aspect Testimonials Reviews
Purpose Build trust, attract customers Help decision-making
Source From the business From customers on other sites
Content Highlight good experiences Can be positive, negative, or mixed
Format Longer stories, sometimes videos Shorter, with optional ratings
Control Business controls Customers control

Benefits of using both:

  • Provide social proof that the service is reliable and effective
  • Improve credibility and reputation
  • Help drive more sales

Key Differences


Testimonials are used to build trust and attract new customers. Reviews help people decide if a service is right for them.


Testimonials come from the business. Reviews come from customers on other websites.


Testimonials focus on good experiences. Reviews can be positive, negative, or mixed.


Testimonials are longer stories, sometimes videos. Reviews are shorter, with optional ratings.


The business controls testimonials. Customers control reviews.


Testimonials Reviews
Purpose Build trust, attract customers Help decision-making
Source From the business From customers on other sites
Content Highlight good experiences Can be positive, negative, or mixed
Format Longer stories, sometimes videos Shorter, with optional ratings
Control Business controls Customers control

Understanding these differences helps businesses use testimonials and reviews properly for marketing and improvement.

Benefits of Testimonials

Building Trust

Testimonials play a key role in gaining trust from potential customers. By sharing real stories of success, meal prep services can show proof that their service works well. According to HubSpot, 88% of people trust online testimonials and reviews as much as recommendations from friends or family. This shows how important testimonials are for building trust.

When potential customers read about the good experiences of others, they are more likely to trust the meal prep service and consider using it. Testimonials provide a level of authenticity that is hard to achieve through regular marketing. By sharing stories of happy customers, meal prep services can build a reputation for quality.

Personal Connection

Testimonials also provide a personal touch that is often missing in regular marketing materials. When customers share their personal experiences and stories, they create a sense of connection with potential customers. This emotional connection can be a powerful motivator, encouraging potential customers to try the meal prep service.

Testimonials can highlight the unique benefits and features of a meal prep service, such as the quality of the food, the convenience of the service, or the expertise of the chefs. By sharing these details, meal prep services can create a more personal connection with potential customers and stand out from competitors.

Controlled Marketing

One key benefit of testimonials is that businesses can control and selectively use positive testimonials in their marketing materials. This allows meal prep services to showcase their strengths and highlight the benefits that matter most to potential customers. By carefully selecting and presenting testimonials, meal prep services can create a powerful marketing tool that drives sales and growth.

Unlike reviews, which can be negative or mixed, testimonials are carefully chosen to showcase the best aspects of a meal prep service. This allows businesses to control the narrative and present a positive image to potential customers. By using testimonials effectively, meal prep services can create a marketing strategy that is both powerful and persuasive.

Benefit Description
Building Trust Testimonials provide social proof and establish credibility
Personal Connection Testimonials create an emotional connection with potential customers
Controlled Marketing Businesses can selectively use positive testimonials in marketing materials

Benefits of Reviews

Honest Feedback

Reviews offer honest, unbiased feedback from customers who have used the meal prep service. Unlike testimonials chosen by the business, reviews give a realistic view of the service. This honest feedback helps potential customers make an informed decision about trying the meal prep service.

Identify Areas for Improvement

Both positive and negative reviews can help businesses pinpoint issues and areas to improve, such as food quality, delivery times, or customer service. By analyzing reviews, meal prep services can make targeted changes to enhance the customer experience.

Increased Online Visibility

Positive reviews can improve a business's rating and ranking on review websites, making it more visible to potential customers. This increased visibility can lead to more website traffic and sales.

Informed Purchase Decisions

Reviews influence potential customers' purchasing decisions by providing honest feedback from people who have used the meal prep service. When potential customers read reviews, they can get a sense of what to expect, including the quality of the food, the ease of ordering, and the level of customer support. This information helps them make an informed decision about whether to try the meal prep service.

Comparison of Benefits

Benefit Testimonials Reviews
Honest Feedback
Identify Improvements
Online Visibility
Informed Purchase Decisions

Getting Customer Testimonials

Getting testimonials from happy customers is key to showing how well your meal prep service works. Here are some steps to collect testimonials:

Finding Customers

First, find customers who had a good experience with your service. You can:

  • Look at customer feedback forms or surveys
  • Check social media for positive reviews and comments
  • Ask your customer support team for suggestions
  • Find customers who referred friends or family to your service

Once you have a list of satisfied customers, reach out and ask if they'd be willing to provide a testimonial.

Providing Guidelines

Give customers some guidelines to get high-quality testimonials:

  • Ask specific questions about their experience
  • Provide a template or format for the testimonial
  • Encourage them to be detailed in their feedback

Clear guidelines help customers create testimonials that highlight the benefits of your service.

Getting Permission

Before using a testimonial in marketing, get the customer's permission:

  • Have them sign a release form
  • Get verbal consent
  • Make sure they understand how you'll use their testimonial

Getting permission ensures you use testimonials properly and legally.

Step Details
Finding Customers Review feedback, check social media, ask staff for recommendations
Providing Guidelines Give questions, templates, and tips for detailed feedback
Getting Permission Have customers sign releases or give verbal consent

Encouraging Customer Reviews

Make It Easy

Provide direct links and simple instructions for customers to leave reviews on platforms like Google My Business or Yelp. You can share these through:

  • Email follow-ups
  • Social media posts
  • In-person requests

Add a review link to your website or online ordering system for easy access.

Respond to Reviews

Promptly respond to both positive and negative reviews. Address any concerns raised. This shows you value customer feedback and care about their experience.

Offer Incentives

Consider offering discounts, freebies, or exclusive offers to customers who leave reviews. However, follow review platform guidelines and avoid incentivizing fake or biased reviews.

Review Process Tips

Step Details
Make It Easy Provide direct review links and simple instructions
Respond Promptly Address all reviews, positive and negative
Offer Incentives Discounts, freebies, or exclusive offers (follow guidelines)

Using Both

Showcasing Testimonials

  • Dedicate a page: Create a testimonials page on your website for easy access.
  • Use social proof: Display testimonials prominently on your homepage, product pages, or landing pages.
  • Highlight unique benefits: Use testimonials to showcase the unique advantages of your meal prep service.

Highlighting Reviews

  • Link to review platforms: Link to third-party review sites like Google My Business or Yelp.
  • Embed reviews: Embed reviews on your website or social media.
  • Respond to reviews: Promptly respond to both positive and negative reviews.

Building Trust

By using both testimonials and reviews, you can build trust with potential customers:

Benefit Testimonials Reviews
Social Proof
Increase Sales
  • Social proof: Testimonials and reviews show your meal prep service is reliable and effective.
  • Credibility: Both testimonials and reviews can improve your credibility and reputation.
  • Conversion rates: Showcasing testimonials and reviews can help drive more sales.


Key Points

  • Testimonials are positive stories from happy customers, used by businesses to build trust and attract new customers.
  • Reviews are honest feedback from customers who have used the service, both positive and negative, helping people decide if the service is right for them.
Aspect Testimonials Reviews
Purpose Build trust, attract customers Help decision-making
Source From the business From customers on other sites
Content Highlight good experiences Can be positive, negative, or mixed
Format Longer stories, sometimes videos Shorter, with optional ratings
Control Business controls Customers control

Using both testimonials and reviews can:

  • Provide social proof that the service is reliable and effective
  • Improve credibility and reputation
  • Help drive more sales

Benefits of Testimonials

  • Build trust with potential customers by sharing real success stories
  • Create a personal connection through customers' experiences
  • Allow businesses to control and showcase positive feedback

Benefits of Reviews

  • Offer honest, unbiased feedback from actual customers
  • Help identify areas for improvement, like food quality or delivery times
  • Increase online visibility and ranking on review sites
  • Influence purchasing decisions by providing realistic expectations

Getting Testimonials

  1. Find satisfied customers through feedback forms, social media, or staff recommendations
  2. Provide guidelines for detailed feedback, like questions or templates
  3. Get permission to use testimonials in marketing

Encouraging Reviews

  • Make it easy with direct links and simple instructions
  • Respond promptly to all reviews, positive and negative
  • Offer incentives like discounts or freebies (follow guidelines)


What is the difference between a testimonial and a review?

Aspect Testimonial Review
Length Longer, more detailed Shorter, more concise
Content Success stories explaining the customer's experience Quick snapshot of the customer's experience, often with ratings
Purpose Share positive experiences to attract new customers Provide honest feedback to help others decide

A testimonial is a detailed story from a happy customer. They explain why they chose the product or service, and how it has helped them. Testimonials focus on sharing positive experiences to build trust and attract new customers.

A review is a brief evaluation from a customer who has used the product or service. Reviews can be positive, negative, or mixed. They give a quick overview of the customer's experience, often with ratings. Reviews provide honest feedback to help potential customers decide if the product or service is right for them.

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